access 01 – Scouse abroad.. intro..

….( be edited)

It seems like 10,000 years ago that I left home to go to an interview in London.. the first step in a long journey that eventually landed me here, in “Monty”  (Montenegro..and the joke comparisons with “python” and “full monty” will come later) ..   at ,,,the first interview with a shipping company in the heart of the Londoners capital,  amongst the city “gents” snobs and rich folk Ma had warned me about…

Mum came from celtic stock,   left wing…scots , she was my inspiration, and a socialist-liberal mentality who proposed that I make my career, religion and life style choices..”when you are ready’   in some things Ma , I am only just “ready” now (bless her soul..)  I get my energy from her, she was gen sec of the regional Labour party and when Dad got put in charge of London Airport .. I was amongst them… even in england, I fel “alien”  but never alone..

The first employers gave me that entry into the BIG wide world… and in between I have seen about half of it… as I would enjoy the chance to bring you through the experiences, i enjoyed .. the frustrations, the incidents, the surprises and the EXCITEMENT .. whether you know these places or not,  to use words that I hope  will entertain you in this series of “Scouse abroad”  ..

Early on I was a kid learning ,  opening up, at the beginning , a small window into that world abroad,  ..I used to go back to Lp every other weekend, spend much of my small income on the train ticket , take the last train back from Lime street to Euston.  (London) and walk across “the smoke”..  my parents had , then, “social housing”  just outside the surburban area of “greater London”  I had left school at 16, even though university beckoned, “something” was driving me to ” to get out there”  Lp had no jobs to offer..

I now live here, for much of a decade, of and on, now seemingly permanent, I havent been back to Lp since about 4 years,  I miss the old city, the docks and mostly the people.. and its difficult to explain to people here , how special Liverpudlians are..

During my life, to date, I was an apprentice, a Logistics Manager, an entrepreneur, a Global strategic manager, …and ……. my alternative life (i will explain when the time comes)  a “hippy-alternative activist”, Charity & event organizer, media producer, football club manager & sponsor of youth football in the Balkans, free radio moderator ..(!)  and many other things, which I hope will make you smile… not least , I have ALWAYS been a “volunteer ambassador of LIVERPOOL

I am a lucky boy to have had so many experiences in this life, so far, and there is more to come, but thats enough of a taste for now…  I hope you will join me on this journey and also I hope to introduce some of the “characters” along the way…  I would like to wish Jason & Frank & co.. all the best , and  I am very positive about the project they embark upon..

bye for now..







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